The oculomotor nerve (third cranial nerve, CN III, latin: nervus oculomotorius) is a mixed cranial nerve containing motor and parasympathetic fibers.The general somatic efferent fibers of the oculomotor nerve supply the levator palpebrae superioris and four of the six extraocular muscles: the medial, superior, and inferior recti, and the inferior oblique muscles.


Latin, nervus oculomotorius There are two nuclei for the oculomotor nerve: The oculomotor nucleus originates at the level of the superior colliculus.

leden 2021 2.1 Inervace zornice; 2.2 Zornicová fotoreakce; 2.3 Postižení nervus oculomotorius; 2.4 Postižení sympatických vláken – Hornerův syndrom. of interweaving bundles of elongated cells with rod-shaped nuclei intermingled with Kovacs W: Ueber ein solitäres Neurinom des Nervus oculomotorius. 3e hersenzenuw: de nervus oculomotorius (motore functie) Informatie van het oog gaat via de hersenstam met daarin de kernen nucleus pretectalis en de  Oculomotor nerve, n. oculomotorius. IV. Trochlear motor. ✓ nucleus oculomotorius accessorius (nervus intermedius) ⇨ tongue and soft palate.

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N. abducens (N. VI). Synbanor och syncortex. Nervus opticus. är cortexcerebri(=substanntiagrisea), medulla(substantiaalba) och basalaganliger(nucleibasales).

Nervus oculomotorius Nerverne i øjet set oppefra Hjernenervekerner: Nucleus n. oculomotorii (almen somatisk efferent) og nuclei accessorii n. oculomotorii (almen visceral efferent, parasympatisk) Innerverer: M. rectus superior, M. rectus inferior, M. rectus medialis, M. levator palpebrae superioris, M. obliquus inferior og M. ciliaris Hovedgrene:

n. V nucl.

Nervus oculomotorius nucleus

There are two cranial nerve nuclei whose neurons contribute axons to the oculomotor nerve: The oculomotor nucleus lies in the midbrain anterior to the periaqueductal grey matter at the level of the superior colliculus anterior to the cerebral aqueduct. The fibers run through the tegmentum, red nucleus and medial aspect of the substantia nigra.


Conexiones sunt pars parasympathica systematis nervosi autonomici, cuius fibrae praeganglionares musculos et sphincterem pupillae et ciliarem innverant. De kern van Edinger-Westphal of de nucleus accessorius nervi oculomotorii is de oorsprongskern van de parasympathische zenuwvezels van de derde hersenzenuw, de nervus oculomotorius. De kern ligt ter hoogte van de colliculus superior in het rostrale deel van het mesencephalon (middenhersenen). Nervi oculomotorii cursus (violaceus pictus) Nervus oculomotorius sive oculimotorius est nervorum cranialium tertius; quattuor ex sex musculorum (externorum) bulbi oculi movet, pupillam minuit et lentem accommodat.
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Nervus oculomotorius nucleus

Mittelhirn: vorderer Bereich, am  mesencephalon (midbrain (pretectal, oculomotor, trochlear nuclei, parasym.

Hirnnerv) Die zwei Hirnnervenkerne des Nervus oculo-motorius liegen im Mesencephalon.
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A collection of nuclei in the midbrain tegmentum for the OCULOMOTOR NERVE fibers.

Oculomotorius innerverar m. rectus superior, m. … NERVUS OCULOMOTORIUS. The oculomotor nerve arises in the nucleus nervi oculomotorii, which lies in the region of the superior colliculus, ventral to the aquaeductus Sylvii, within the floor of the central gray substance (Figs. 88 and 89). The nucleus consists of a medially placed medial nucleus and a pair of large-celled lateral nuclei. oculomotor nucleus This is the nucleus of the oculomotor nerve (third cranial nerve).